想要有人人稱羨的光滑肌膚嗎?如果可以~希望能夠有很明顯的效果除毛價格 女生都知道除毛就是方法之一,可是要選擇哪一種除毛方式除毛價格又是一門學問,然而有太多人有錯誤的除毛方式,許多人也對雷射除毛有錯誤的認知。所以一定要詢問專業的醫生。推薦除毛價格

原標題:紐約時報看中國“網紅醬們” | NYT英文精讀

關註公眾號管鑫Sam [guansama]





雅文 悅讀




Jiang Yilei is the girl next doorwho rants aboutdieting and nagging parentsin the living room of her cluttered apartment. She hasbangs, wears minimal makeupand keeps two cats. She is also one of China’s most sudden and popular online celebrities, better known as Papi Jiang. In less than a year, she has accumulated 44 million followers, across multiple platforms, with her fast-talking satirical videos.True, most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. But evenby Chinese standards, she stands out so much so that Chinese media outlets have taken to callingher the No. 1 online celebrity of 2016. China’s web hasbecome increasingly mobile driven(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones), which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.

Ms. Jiang, who had returned to graduate school at the Central Academy of Drama after working in entertainment for several years, started to experiment, playing with elementsthat would become part of her signature style: a digitally altered voice, rapid-fire delivery and jump cuts. As Ms. Jiang’s popularity skyrocketed, internet companies and investors began to notice. In recent years, since the government began cracking down on pirated contentand imported content, companies have been thirsty for high-quality original material made locally.

提醒Protect Your Eyes







Jiang Yilei is the girl next doorwho rants aboutdieting and nagging parentsin the living room of her cluttered apartment. She has bangs, wears minimal makeupand keeps two cats. She is also one of China’s most sudden and popular online celebrities, better known as Papi Jiang. In less than a year, she has accumulated 44 million followers, across multiple platforms, with her fast-talking satirical videos.True, most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. But evenby Chinese standards, she stands out so much so that Chinese media outlets have taken to callingher the No. 1 online celebrity of 2016. China’s web hasbecome increasingly mobile driven(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones),which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.



Jiang Yilei is the girl next doorwho rants aboutdieting and nagging parentsin the living room of her cluttered apartment. She has bangs, wears minimal makeupand keeps two cats. She is also one of China’s most sudden and popular online celebrities, better known as Papi Jiang. In less than a year, she has accumulated 44 million followers, across multiple platforms, with her fast-talking satirical videos.

next door;rant about;nagging;cluttered


沒錯,next door在這裡表達的感覺就是“鄰傢XX”的感覺。柯林斯有這樣一句話:If you refer to someone as the boy next dooror the girl nextdoor, you mean that they're pleasant, respectable* and likeable.

註意註解裡的respectable,respectable不像respected那麼絕對地趨向於“受人尊敬的”、“可敬的”。尤其這裡明顯不是說“可敬的”,而是類似於“respectable family”(正經人傢)的respectable表意的感覺,總之想說的就是“not indecent”,“socially acceptable”這麼個feel。

rant about可以是“咆哮”、“嚷嚷”,對著人/事物一頓“噴”。

nagging,動詞nag,就是嘮叨。形容詞nagging就是絮絮叨叨的。至於nagging parents,上個圖(Modern Family):


Stan的爸爸Randy Marsh參加電視答題節目,這道補全拼寫題的提示語是“什麼樣的人最煩(gè)人(ying)。” 是的,正如你猜想的那樣,他加的是字母“i”,於是變成瞭政治不正確詞匯表TOP 1的N word。


cluttered apartment就是“整潔的公寓房間”... 請看下圖:

好吧... 顯然cluttered不可能是整潔的意思... 沒錯,意思是“凌亂不堪的”、“堆滿雜物的”...

clutter是名詞用法,比如a room full of clutter,堆滿雜物的房間。

has bangs;wears minimal makeup

bangs這裡指的就是... 得瞭,上圖:






Scarlet Johnson withminimal/light makeup

台北picocare皮秒雷射推薦 淡妝版斯嘉麗約翰遜

Scarlet Johnson withheavy makeup (and... photoshop)


She is always charming with either light or heavy makeup. 就是我們所說的“濃妝淡抹總相宜”吧。


Jiang Yilei is the girl next doorwho rants aboutdieting and nagging parentsin the living room of her cluttered apartment. She has bangs, wears minimal makeupand keeps two cats. She is also one of China’s most sudden and popular online celebrities, better known as Papi Jiang. In less than a year, she has accumulated 44 million followers, across multiple platforms, with her fast-talking satirical videos.



True, most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. But evenby Chinese standards, she stands out so much so that Chinese media outlets have taken to callingher the No. 1 online celebrity of 2016.

True, ... But even...; on a bigger scale than

True, ...... But even...... 這雖然既不是什麼“固定搭配”,也不是什麼“固定句式”,因為都已經超越瞭句子的界限瞭,但卻是一種常用的表達套路,它的邏輯和語氣大概是這樣的:


這裡用True,首先是對前面陳述誇張的事情,先給一個邏輯上看似合理的解釋,然後,再接一句But even...,說明,就算在那個看似合理的邏輯框架下,都是超乎尋常的。

比如原文說,Papi醬有瞭4400萬粉絲。(報道裡還提到,Papi一次直播的單日播放量為7400萬次,這個數字是Taylor Swift最新MV在YouTube上四個月播放量的總和。)


誠然,most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. (中國的大部分事物的規模都不是其他地方可比的。)

但是,即便按照中國的標準,她也是出類拔萃的(stands out),so much出類拔萃,以至於(so that)在中國都是“男波萬”(No. 1)瞭。

have taken to calling

have taken to calling在這篇文章中出現過兩次。

take to doing這個結構指的是開始習慣做某事,兩個元素,開始,表示以前不這樣,最近才這樣;習慣,表示如今常常會這樣。把握住這個核心,不用翻譯成“開始習慣...”,把這個意思體現出來即可。舉例:

I have taken to brushing my teeth after every meal.




World leaders have taken to calling ISIS “Daesh,” a word the Islamic State hates.


註意,這不是什麼“轉譯”,have taken to doing這個表達裡面本來也沒有habit、start這樣詞要求你非得翻譯成“開始習慣”,而非把“開始習慣”這幾個字譯出來,反倒是在大部分情況下生硬,而且,並不是英語在字面上要求的。隻是字典要用幾個字釋義的時候,不得已而為之的。隻要能讀出這層意思,就足夠瞭,而且不同語境下,也要處理地靈活一些。


True, most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. But evenby Chinese standards, she stands out so much so that Chinese media outlets have taken to callingher the No. 1 online celebrity of 2016.


接下來,轉入bigger picture:

China’s web hasbecome increasingly mobile driven(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones),which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.

mobile driven


mobile driven在這篇文章的語境下,就是說中國網絡的發展趨勢,越來越趨向於移動端接入,簡單來說,越來越多的人開始用移動端(手機、iPad等)為上網的主要工具。舉個例子,上個月去參加微博的年度V影響力峰會上聽到的數字是,現在微博用戶使用微博的習慣是89%由移動端接入。


(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones) 中國的7.1億網民中92%以上的人現在使用手機連接上網。

【三位一體法】;umbrella term

which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.



Lǘdagunr, literally 'a rolling dunkey', is a glutinous rice roll with sweet bean stuffing。



Shuanggui, or “double designation”,refers to the euphemistic requirement that suspects must present themselves for interrogation at a designated time and place (in practice they are usually seized).





當然瞭,不一定非得三位一體這麼全面,有的時候“Gaokao, or national college entrance examination, ... ”就已經挺清楚瞭,就不再追加字面解釋瞭。因為提到“高考”,在中國人腦海裡也不會有對於“高度”的聯想,這與雙規的“雙”、“驢打滾”至少還是會引起一點點聯想的情況也不太一樣。

所以以後再看到類似報道,說英語裡就把某個中文詞叫拼音,一定要謹慎相信。當然如果真的經常出現,也自然會變成語言的一部分,比如tofu之類的。要真用shuanggui、gaokao、chengguan(經濟學人:“City Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau”, commonly known by its Chinese abbreviation chengguan, is a junior cousin to the police force.)這類詞跟不熟中國文化的老外交流會很失望的,因為,他們真的不可能聽懂。


... , which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.


zimeiti,字面上就是“自媒體”,它是一個概括性的術語(umbrella term,聯想一下傘的“覆蓋”能力),籠統地涵蓋瞭社交媒體平臺上用戶自己發佈的各類內容。



回譯後,這樣比較make sense。

至於有人說,英語裡不是有個"We media"的提法嗎?

你必須要知道,這是一個很小眾的說法,基本停留於網絡、傳媒領域的學術圈、文化圈,提出這個概念是在2003年,我手裡還有那篇60多頁的論文,也讀過這篇論文,深知跟現在我們所說的“自媒體”關系不大,很多人隻是道聽途說被一些“百科”騙瞭。中文維基裡有,英文維基裡卻沒有。論文發表那時沒有twitter、Facebook、YouTube等等各種平臺,隻是一個前瞻性的表達。以至於有的媒體,比如《金融時報》,甚至以為這個詞是中文翻譯過去的:The term "We media" is a loose translation(大概的翻譯) of the Chinese term zimeiti, which came into common usage last year.

其實,"We media"這個提法,可有13年的歷史瞭... 怎麼可能是中文翻譯過去的呢。雖有13年歷史,卻不像“自媒體”在中國是一個人人耳熟能詳的概念。而且這個概念是趨向於citizen journalsits的,換句話說,原論文提出的時候是新聞取向,而如今中國的自媒體概念,其實是更廣泛的UGC(IT術語:user-generated content,用戶發佈內容)的頭部用戶的統稱。

不然的話,紐約時報就直接說,這個中文詞兒就是咱們英語的某詞兒就完事瞭嘛。問題是,太小眾,沒人懂啊。雖然不用這樣的umbrella term,但是popular blogger、poplular YouTuber/vlogger之類的“網紅”,美國也是一大把,甚至是發源地,所以這個概念,他們是熟悉的。



China’s web hasbecome increasingly mobile driven(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones),which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.



Jiang Yilei is the girl next doorwho rants aboutdieting and nagging parentsin the living room of her cluttered apartment. She has bangs, wears minimal makeupand keeps two cats. She is also one of China’s most sudden and popular online celebrities, better known as Papi Jiang. In less than a year, she has accumulated 44 million followers, across multiple platforms, with her fast-talking satirical videos.True, most things in China are on a bigger scale than they are elsewhere. But evenby Chinese standards, she stands out so much so that Chinese media outlets have taken to callingher the No. 1 online celebrity of 2016. China’s web hasbecome increasingly mobile driven(more than 92 percent of the country’s 710 million internet users now coming to the web via their mobile phones),which has led to the growth of what Chinese have taken to calling zimeiti, literally “self-media,” an umbrella term for self-posted content on social media platforms.

薑逸磊,是個“鄰傢女孩”,她總是在一個雜亂不堪的公寓客廳裡哇啦哇啦地吐槽著節食減肥和嘮叨父母。這個女孩留著劉海兒,隻畫淡妝,還養瞭兩隻貓。她,也是中國爆紅的網紅之一,大傢都叫她“Papi醬”。她依靠自己的快嘴吐槽視頻,在不到一年的時間裡席卷多個網絡平臺總共擁有瞭4400萬粉絲。誠然,中國的大部分事物的規模都不是其他地方可比擬的。但,即便按照中國的標準,她(的吸粉能力)也堪稱出類拔萃,(以至於)中國各媒體機構如今逢Papi必稱“2016第一網紅”。中國網絡的發展趨勢,越來越趨向於移動端接入(中國的7.1億網民中92%以上的人現在使用手機連接上網),這也促進瞭中國媒體如今津津樂道的自媒體的發展,zimeiti 字面上的意思就是“自己的媒體”,這個概括性術語籠統地涵蓋瞭社交媒體平臺上用戶自己發佈的各類內容。


Ms. Jiang, who had returned to graduate school at the Central Academy of Drama after working in entertainment for several years, started to experiment, playing with elementsthat would become part of her signature style: a digitally altered voice, rapid-fire delivery and jump cuts.As Ms. Jiang’s popularity skyrocketed, internet companies and investors began to notice. In recent years, since the government began cracking down on pirated content and imported content, companies have been thirsty for high-quality original material made locally.



Ms. Jiang, who had returned to graduate school at the Central Academy of Drama after working in entertainment for several years, started to experiment, playing with elementsthat would become part of her signature style: a digitally altered voice, rapid-fire delivery and jump cuts.

signature style;


“playing with elements”是她started to experiment時做的具體事情,而那些她在嘗試的elements是:xxx voice、xxx delivery、xxx cuts。而這些elements,後來也成為瞭她的signature style。邏輯說清楚瞭,看看具體內容。

什麼是signature style?


比如說:This is our signature dish.



digitally altered voice;rapid-fire delivery;jump cuts

digitally altered voice,用數碼技術修改過的聲音,簡單說:數碼變聲。你懂的,看圖。


rapid fire dilivery,這裡的delivery的理解方式近似於動詞deliver:deliver a speech發表一個演說中的deliver。演講比賽中評價標準裡會有專門一項是針對delivery,也就是judge how your speech is delivered,這與你的語音語調無關、與演講稿的質量也無關,專門評價你如何呈現的你的演講:你的語氣、語速、臺風、目光交流、身體語言等等這些。當然在這段皮秒雷射話中沒有這麼復雜啦。就是連珠炮一般的語言呈現方式,而由於這個定於修飾的意圖明確,也可以直接翻譯處理成“連珠炮一樣的語速”。

jump cuts,看過Papi的視頻也不難猜這個術語的意思,所謂“跳切”,就是打破鏡頭應該遵循的時空和動作的連續性,而進行跳躍式的剪切手法。不理解的直接搜個papi的視頻看一眼就明白瞭。


Ms. Jiang, who had returned to graduate school at the Central Academy of Drama after working in entertainment for several years, started to experiment, playing with elementsthat would become part of her signature style: a digitally altered voice, rapid-fire delivery and jump cuts.



As Ms. Jiang’s popularity skyrocketed, internet companies and investors began to notice. In recent years, since the government began cracking down on pirated content and imported content, companies have been thirsty for high-quality original material made locally.

popularity skyrocketed

popularity skyrocketed, 字面來看,受歡迎程度像“竄天猴兒”、“火箭”(skyrocket原意指的是那種作為信號或煙火使用的飛天火箭,真的就跟“竄天猴兒”差不多啊)一樣,那還不是飛速地往上竄啊,再想象一下噴的火,想想“爆紅”這個說法多適合用來翻譯“popularity skyrocketed”吧。

crack down on;pirated;thirsty for

crack down on 可以指嚴格管理、(依法)嚴厲打擊,嗯,括號強調一下。

cracking down on pirated content and imported content, crack down在這裡“拆譯”一下:


所以互聯網公司和投資者自然對於high-quality original material made locally(高品質的國內原創作品)會非常的thirsty(不用翻譯吧?)


As Ms. Jiang’s popularity skyrocketed, internet companies and investors began to notice. In recent years, since the government began cracking down on pirated content and imported content, companies have been thirsty for high-quality original material made locally.




Ms. Jiang, who had returned to graduate school at the Central Academy of Drama after working in entertainment for several years, started to experiment, playing with elementsthat would become part of her signature style: a digitally altered voice, rapid-fire delivery and jump cuts.As Ms. Jiang’s popularity skyrocketed, internet companies and investors began to notice. In recent years, since the government began cracking down on pirated content and imported content, companies have been thirsty for high-quality original material made locally.






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